South Pittsburg, Tennessee
Contract Signed for Princess Theater Restoration Work!
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. is proud to announce that a contract was signed for phase-one of the interior work on the Princess Theatre Thursday afternoon, August 14, 2008, and construction will begin soon.
The Fairview, Tennessee based company, Leatherwood, Inc., was the low bidder at $590,000 and was awarded the contract after the historic society managed to raise an additional $52,000 needed of a $65,000 shortfall through private and public donations and pledges before the August 16th deadline. The remaining $13,000 needed has been guaranteed by the National Cornbread Festival should the historic society not be able to raise that amount by the end of phase-one work. Work on the theater is expected to start before the end of August and be completed by the next National Cornbread Festival in April 2009.
Vic Hood, president of Leatherwood, Inc., along with his wife, Pam, signed the contract in the office of Howell Moss, Marion County Mayor, located in the courthouse in Jasper. According to Hood, he first learned of the Princess Theatre a couple of years ago while traveling on a plane from Chicago to Indianapolis. Along the way, Hood met a man from South Pittsburg who mentioned the Princess Theatre and the work being done on it. The unknown man mentioned by Hood stated that he did not think the theater restoration work would ever be finished.
In attendance for the contract signing Thursday were State Senator Andy Berke; Marion County Mayor Howell Moss; Leatherwood Inc. President Vic Hood, and his wife, Pam Hood; Marion County Clerk Dwight Minter; Circuit Court Judge Thomas W. "Rusty" Graham; South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society representatives, Carolyn K. Millhiser; Bob Hookey; Joe Goeller; Ann Walker and Dennis Lambert; Marion County Chamber of Commerce President Bonnie Lewis; South Pittsburg Hustler reporter Brett King along with a host of others.
According to Chairman Bob Hookey, the Society is eager to have the work start on the theater and everyone is anxious for the the project to be completed after so many years. "We are now trying to raise more money for the final phase of work that will begin after Leatherwood completes its work on phase-one, said Hookey. According to Hookey, refinishing the seats, completing the second floor and balcony along with having the can-lettering and neon put on the marquee, which is the crowning jewel for the theater, will all be part of phase-two work and will complete the theater. "We are hopeful that the work soon to be done on the theater by Leatherwood will show folks that we are now closer than ever and that more donations are still needed to put on the finishing touches," he said.
Carolyn Millhiser, Society secretary, stated that the Society would like to thank everyone that contributed allowing them to go forward with awarding the contract to Leatherwood, Inc. "Every dollar donated helped us reach our goal and now we can take a moment and catch our breaths," said Millhiser. She continued, "Now it's on to raising money for phase-two."
Anyone wishing to donate to the Princess Theatre project may do so by making your check or money order to the South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. and mail to the following address:
South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc.
Princess Theatre Fund
PO Box 175
South Pittsburg, TN
All contributions are tax deductible.
Contract Signing with Leatherwood for Princess Theatre Work!
Pictured left to right front row are: State Senator Andy Berke; Marion County Mayor Howell Moss; Leatherwood Inc. President Vic Hood; Marion County Clerk Dwight Minter.
Pictured left to right back row are: Circuit Court Judge Thomas W. "Rusty" Graham; South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society representatives, Carolyn K. Millhiser; Bob Hookey; Joe Goeller and Marion County Chamber of Commerce President Bonnie Lewis.
Photo by Dennis Lambert
This page was last updated: August 19, 2008
This page built August 15, 2008